Click above to download our SEV Policies and Procedures.
Policies and Procedures
Crew & Staff Code of Conduct
Policy & Procedures
All Pilot Members please note: These policies and procedures may be updated at any time and are current as of the date shown at the top of this section. All Pilot Members are expected to be aware of the policies and procedures and to occasionally check them to remain current within the organization.
00 – All pilot members must understand that the working language of this VA is English. All Pilot Members must have a working knowledge of English using appropriate Pilot vernacular or jargon.
A1 - Members (also known as “Pilot”, “Member” or “Member Pilot)”, shall always be courteous and respectful to one another. The use of profanity on a SEV public channel is forbidden. This rule does not apply to private chats in private member areas.
A1(a). SEV Pilot Members will conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect credit on the organization and its pilots while engaged in public forums where our call signs are used.
A1(b): All SEV Pilots while using an SEV aircraft will use the designated “Southeast Virtual” (may be shorted simply to “Southeast” as long as the abbreviation “SEV” is used) title in all public forums such as VATSIM or other similar online networks to include our own server. The use of this title enforces and exposes Southeast Virtual in a positive manner to other pilots who may wish to join the pilot team.
A2(a) – To use our “Pilots Only” membership feature you must register as a pilot and be approved by SEV staff. Only registered members in good standing may observe, fly as a pilot, and participate as a pilot member. You are considered a Member Pilot when you are assigned a SEV Call sign which is “SEV(XXX)”; SEV being the SEV designation and 3 numbers as a call sign. An example would be SEV101 or SEV226.
A2(b) – Pilot Members will only use their designated SEV call sign and will not use another SEV Call Sign with/without the permission of said member.
A3 - Without exception, a member may not permit or knowingly allow their SEV account to be used by anyone else. This includes the sharing of your “Pilot Member” password outside of anyone other than yourself or a staff member needing same to assist with a technical support issue.
A4(a) - During the registration process with SEV, you must provide your real full name. Nicknames, callsigns or abbreviations are not permitted to be associated with a member’s registered account. SEV reserves the right, in its discretion, to require proof of real name and proof of age from a member. All such verification information is kept confidential and will not be released to other than the Pilot Member.
A4(b) – SEV Member Pilots shall connect to SEV servers, VATSIM and other similar portals as outlined in the separate member agreements for said portals. While engaged in SEV Server activities, SEV TeamSpeak channels and other SEV peripherals the Pilot Member will use their assigned SEV Call Sign and act in accordance with these policies and procedures. When in doubt, remember you are a Pilot or Staff representative of Southeast Virtual Air Carriers and to act/react positively and appropriately is always the best avenue.
A5 - During your time as a member of SEV, you must provide and maintain a valid e-mail address. This means that you must notify SEV of any changes to your e-mail address. Your e-mail address will not be shared outside the SEV organization without your express prior permission. Failure to maintain your e-mail address is grounds for immediate suspension of your SEV account, without notice.
A6 - A member may register for and hold only one SEV account. SEV Management reserves the right to terminate duplicate Member Pilot accounts without warning.
A7 - A member shall only use software approved by SEV to connect to, or interface with our network and support peripherals (such as VATSIM, Chocolate, TeamSpeak, etc.). A member shall become familiar with the basic use of these programs prior to logging on to SEV Network or its peripherals. However, a Pilot Member may install any supplemental program to enhance their FSX experience if same does not interfere with SEV operations (i.e. FSPassengers, radar packages, scenery packages, etc.) However whenever flying with or on SEV servers only SEV aircraft shall be used.
A8 - A member shall only make one connection to the SEV network during any given session, except as may be otherwise provided for in this Code of Conduct.
A9 - Except as provided for in Section B3(b) of this Code of Conduct, members shall not leave their connections unattended. Members not actively participating in the network (i.e. connected as an observer) shall not log on for excessive periods of time.
A10 - Members shall exercise patience and tolerance towards other members, especially where a member is less familiar with an area or learning new skills. Bear in mind that we were all novices at one time and kindly support and uplift our junior or learning pilots. No harassment or “verbal hazing” is allowed in Public Areas of the SEV environment.
A11 - Members are prohibited from using any software, forums, newsgroups, social media streams, or mailing lists utilized by SEV and its officially recognized Hubs, Airports, or their subdivisions to threaten, harass, stalk, or to otherwise violate the legal rights of others including expectations of privacy and publicity. This includes using the above resources to find, locate, or otherwise discover methods of contacting members for the purpose of threatening, harassing, stalking, or otherwise violating the legal rights of them. Further, members shall not publish, post, distribute, disseminate, or use any kind of defamatory, infringing, obscene, vulgar, profane, unlawful, or other types of communications, materials, or information. Individuals violating this rule are subject to the procedures set forth in Article I of the SEV Code of Regulations, which may result in removal from SEV and result in suspension or outright revocation of their membership privileges either temporarily or permanently.
A12 - Members shall not connect to SEV with a callsign, or other identifier, that implies or designates a status they do not hold including, but not limited to, those reserved for, or generally used by, Founders, members of the SEV Staff, etc. Members shall use only their designed SEV Call Sign while connected to an SEV Server or its’ peripherals. Furthermore, members shall not state, imply, or otherwise communicate that they hold a status they do not.
A13 - Members shall only connect to SEV as an observer, a pilot, or an air traffic controller. No other connection is permitted. Our connections and resources will not be used for non-pilot, non-airline type of “chit-chat” unless it is a private personal conversation in a non-public channel.
A14 - Voice is the preferred method of communication on SEV. Only unaltered speech is permitted to be transmitted. No electronic voices or replacement voices other than the Member Pilot’s natural voice shall be permitted. (Exception: In the case of a voice disability this section may be waived)
A14(a): To participate in an event, a microphone and voice communication is required for pilot to pilot communication unless they are entitled to an exception as outlined in A14 above.
A15 - While connected to a SEV or network peripheral, and when requested to do so, members shall respond to messages from, and comply with all instructions issued by SEV Trainers, Administrators and/or SEV Staff.
A16 - Members shall not carry out private conversations over any communication channels, frequencies, or resources, except for private messages (in a non-public channel), while connected to the SEV Network. The guard VHF radio frequency (121.500) shall not be used.
A17 - The re-creation of, or organization of events recognizing real world disasters, tragedies, or other such events, particularly those which resulted in loss of life, are not permitted. In addition, callsigns other than an SEV call sign (such as military call signs or other derivatives) will not be allowed while involved with or participating in an SEV or representing SEV on a public network (i.e. VATSIM or the like).
A18 - SEV welcomes members who wish to stream, record, or otherwise distribute their session for public viewing.
(a) The online network conduct of the member during the stream/recording remains subject to this Code of Conduct.
(b) If the member provides a link to their stream/recording either in their flight plan, or via other SEV operated medium, the entire stream/recorded session including informal mediums such as a stream chat are subject to this Code of Conduct.
(c) Members connected to the network who deliberately disrupt the stream/recording of another member are subject to immediate suspension from the network.
(d) SEV does not provide or have the ability for its members to opt-out of being part of another members stream/recording.
(e) Any recording or streaming video may be used by SEV for any purpose to include links to a site containing same or using same in their own promotional materials.
B. Pilot's Conduct
B1 - A pilot shall not connect to the SEV Network on a runway or taxiway. SEV Pilot Members will only ground enter a session in a designated parking space or gate. (You may wish to coordinate with TeamSpeak/Discord your entrance so as not to “come down” on top of another SEV aircraft parked in the spot you wish to occupy – and prevent a mishap! If a pilot chooses to connect while airborne, a pilot shall ensure doing so does not cause disruption to other member by coordinating same with TeamSpeak communication.
B2 - A pilot shall not pause while connected to the SEV Network except when operating under air traffic control, with the express permission of the controller. If the controller revokes the permission for any reason, the pilot shall un-pause immediately. (i.e. – quick bathroom break or other situation requiring immediate “real world” attention).
B3(a) - Pilots shall always monitor their flights. It is the responsibility of the pilot member to check for and make timely contact with appropriate air traffic controllers. This includes making prompt contact when requested to do so.
B3(b) - If it becomes necessary to leave a pilot connection unattended, the member is encouraged to disconnect from the SEV network. Notwithstanding anything in this Code to the contrary, no pilot connection is permitted to be unattended for a period of longer than 30 minutes.
B3 (c) At all times, all Member Pilots will conduct themselves as a professional “real world” pilot. We find that striving for an always professional environment enhances the FSX experience, assists in training and development of junior pilots and staff and eliminates friction. Examples of “non-professional” conduct are:
Interfering with another Member Pilots flight or ground operations deliberately to cause an “mishap”.
The use of obscene or objectional language while in a public forum if representing SEV or on one of its’ servers.
Sexual Harassment of any kind.
Rude Treatment of any of our Pilot or Staff personnel.
As directed by an Executive Captain.
B4 - A pilot shall not squawk standby while their aircraft is in motion except when requested by air traffic control. Simulation of aircraft without a transponder is permitted with air traffic control approval.
B4(a) – Pilot Members who are new to SEV or are otherwise unfamiliar with an airspace shall educate themselves by first observing operations and/or studying procedures used in that location. A simple request for training can be accommodated by appointment with a designated trainer.
B5 - Pilots flying through uncontrolled airspace shall monitor VHF radio frequency 122.800 or other designated "UNICOM" frequency until they come under air traffic control coverage. Where another pilot may benefit, a pilot shall always transmit their intentions on the designated Unicom frequency. This is commonly referred to as "calling traffic" and is required if flying on an SEV server or representing SEV on a public forum (i.e. VATSIM or the like). SEV Member pilots arriving departing at an unattended air facility/airport will announce routinely (but not excessively) thier location and intentions.
B6 - No flight may declare itself to have priority over another. Pilots are permitted to declare in-flight emergencies only when under direct air traffic control with a “live” ATC. This includes situations such as low fuel (often referred to as "bingo" fuel). Unicom 122.80 will never be used for IFE. If, for any reason, air traffic control requests the pilot to terminate the emergency, then the pilot must do so IMMEDIATELY or disconnect from the network. SEV Pilots are not permitted to simulate any unlawful act including, but not limited to, declaring a hijack by any method, including entering a transponder code of 7500.
B7 - Two or more pilots are permitted to fly in formation when conducting military or contract military aircraft movements. If, for any reason, air traffic control instructs pilots to separate, the pilots must immediately comply with the request or disconnect from the network.
B8 - A pilot must comply with all agreed (read-back) air traffic control clearances and all issued instructions or notify air traffic control without delay if unable to do so and the reason why they cannot comply. Additionally, compliance with the following ATC instructions is mandatory, unless operational safety (e.g. TCAS conflict resolution) is compromised:
- Holding position when on the ground at an airport.
- Following instructions of a ground controller.
- “Line Up / Wait” instructions without delay.
- Flying at an ATC directed speed.
- Flying an ATC directed heading.
- Flying at an ATC directed altitude or flight level.
B9 - A pilot will never operate the acceleration/deacceleration facets of FSX while in a SEV session or representing SEV in a public forum.
B10 - All pilots flying IFR shall submit a flight plan before flight. The IFR flight plan must contain, at a minimum, the aircraft callsign, departure airport, arrival airport, aircraft type, and requested route.
B11 - All VFR pilots are encouraged, when appropriate, to submit a flight plan.
B12 - Pilots may fly together using a shared cockpit function. When pilots fly together using a shared cockpit function, members are jointly liable for any infringement of SEV Policies.
C. Controller Conduct
C1 - Controllers who are new to SEV or are otherwise unfamiliar with an airspace shall educate themselves by first observing operations and/or studying procedures used in that location. A simple request for training can be accommodated by appointment with a designated trainer.
C2 - Controllers shall follow local rules and procedures. Controllers who choose to work in locations other than their requested and assigned location must follow the local rules and procedures at that location and must be approved to control as a ‘visiting controller’ where required by local policy. Please use airnav.com to become familiar with the affected airport you are controlling. airnav.com is the "go to" pilot resources for the purposes of SEV simulation.
C3 – Anyone acting as an air traffic controller (ATC) on a SEV Network shall represent themselves as a controlled, professional “voice” of reason representing SEV in the best possible light/perception.
C4 – SEV, like VATSIM recognizes the following suffixes for air traffic control positions. A member shall only use the corresponding facility type when connecting:
a. DEL - (Clearance) Delivery
b. GND - Ground Control
c. TWR - Tower Control
d. DEP - Departure Control
e. APP - Approach Control
f. CTR - Enroute (Centre) Control
g. FSS - Flight Service Station
C5 – ATC Positions are occupied on a "first come" basis. The ATC should have a working knowledge of the position. Certain scenarios are allowed and invited for training purposes.
C6 - Only approved positions and their corresponding frequencies (see AirNav.Com for the frequencies for a particular airport) shall be used while within a SEV session, event, or flight.
C7 - A controller may make one additional connection to the SEV Network to provide an airport voice ATIS at facilities which have an ATIS in real life. There must be an accompanying text version, which shall always be in English.
C8 - Like VATSIM, Air Traffic Controllers shall set an appropriate visibility range for their position. The maximum ranges for a given position are as follows:
Clearance Delivery:20 Nautical Miles
Ground Control:20 Nautical Miles
Tower Control:50 Nautical Miles
Approach Control:150 Nautical Miles
Departure Control:150 Nautical Miles
Enroute (Center) Control:600 Nautical Miles
FSS Control: 1500 Nautical Miles
Controllers shall not set visibility ranges higher than the maximum ranges set forth above.
Epilogue - Remember, the primary goals of SEV is to provide a professional, safe, and fun environment and to educate, to provide a realistic simulation of flying and air traffic control and, most importantly, to provide a fun environment for everyone to enjoy the FSX hobby. By following the simple rules set forth in this Code of Conduct, everyone is ensured of learning and making new friends from around the world. To all our new Pilot Members, welcome!
We are happy you selected SEV Air Carriers as your virtual airline of choice!
Ronald T. Clarke
Executive Captain
Chief, Airline Operations
CC: File
SEV Website
SEV is a VATSIM Partner and provides these links to VATSIM's policies and procedures. All SEV Member Pilots are expected to adhere to VATSIM's policies and procedures while connected to the VATSIM network.
© 2019 SEV Air Carriers